Friday, February 3, 2012

West Coast Weather Report

Can we just go to

Defcon: Drought
right now or do we have to wait too long, till it's beyond fixing, till the greenhouse gasses are destroying the reality we've been told we deserve?

The way this Winter is going we are going to be way below our snowpack/reservoir reserves and I do believe it will be a hot summer, jacking the Valley into their life of air conditioning; electricity will get very expensive.

Then the fires will ravage the extremely dry landscape and states of emergency will be declared from Chico to San Diego. There isn't any money now, there won't be any then.

I'm just saying. We're already in a drought situation here in California.

I guess I'll wag the dog and brew another batch.


fxdwhl said...

Strange weather over here too. I was in short sleeves the other day with mosquitos buzzing around. Spring vegetation is pushing too. Makes for easy riding but we really need a dose of winter cold.

Gunnar Berg said...

Yep. Warm and dry here in Minnesota too. But that isn't stop me from going to the Rio Grande Valley next week for a month.

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The Hidden Fortress, Zombie Free Since 1998
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