Friday, August 13, 2010

It's Friday!


Christmas in July at Barclay's. They've tapped a few saved barrels: Jubalale (#897), Anchor Xmas '09 (#2180), Jolly Roger '08 (#2026), Fuzzy Snobeck (#2194).

Thirty beers on tap. They started a numbering system for their beers back when they opened. Guinness was numbered 1. Anchor Steam number 5, Sierra Pale number 24, Racer 5 is number 778. There is no Bud number, no Coors number, no Hamm's number, never been tapped at Barclay's. The beer number never changes, the numbers are to keep track for their beer club.

They are about to tap their 23-Hundredth different beer on draft.

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