Monday, January 4, 2010

What Are You Training For?

The sun finally smiled and as much as I wanted to ride; we returned to Windy Hill for an excellent hike.

Windy Hill 2.1
The bird count was high. We saw the usuals: Red Tails, Kites, Sharp Shinned, etc. The wind was light and the human birds were out.
Windy Hill 2.2
If you know anyone in the peninsula hang gliding groups, I'd love to get that shot to the pilot.
Windy Hill 2.3
Windy Hill 2.4
Diablo in the distance and the bay under the haze. From the 1905 ft peak you can also see the Pacific.
Windy Hill 2.5


Gunnar Berg said...

wouldn't gliding with the hawks be a kick?

P77 said...

I answer your question with another question...

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The Hidden Fortress, Zombie Free Since 1998
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