Friday, December 4, 2009

Foto de Hoy

Every, Fucking, Night

Title: Every, Fucking, Night
I guess those last ones were too dark. That commenter should know. Recognize. What is Light without Dark. Good without Evil. If it weren't for straight edge, my Churchhill Gene and Gonzo Lifestyle would be the norm. And Somebody's got to get something done.

Anyway here's some México Hermoso to get you through your Friday.

It's Friday #5
Oh, and this one's for the Ladies:
What's with that one handed shit?

1 comment:

Gunnar Berg said...

You live the way we did for the first 16 years. Then the baby was born and it was over. Well worth the cost though.

My photo
The Hidden Fortress, Zombie Free Since 1998
Photos are provided for personal use only, and may not be reproduced, distributed, publicly displayed, or used as the basis for derivative works without the prior express written authorization from the copyright owner. ME!