Friday, June 5, 2009

It Was Another Lost Weekend

We were back up on Tomales Bay. Celebrating Goddaughter #1's 12th with Til and Jim.

We got up there relatively early and hiked Point Reyes Beach - North. It was an overcast day but quite nice. We had a picnic, hiked on the ridge, and met a seal. We were the only ones there and were rich with sand dollars.

Point Reyes Beach North 1
Point Reyes Beach North 3
Point Reyes Beach North 2
Then it was back to Inverness, where we stayed in Manka's Boathouse.
Manka's Boathouse
Manka's 1
Manka's 2
Manka's Boathouse Dining
We relaxed for awhile,
Manka Maxin
and then Darkness washed over us.
Spooky Tomales Bay
Wonderful Margaret started bringing food, and bringing food, and bringing food.
Manka's Dinner
There was tartar and pâté and mussels and cheeses and meats and asparagus and wine and way too much of it. All as local and organic as possible, of course. God It Was GOOD!

There was hotdogs over the fire for the gaggle, and s'mores and cake and a storyteller and a baby grand in the corner for those taking lessons to play that one part of that one song over and over.
So Good
Off to our cozy bed,
Manka's Bed
and the next morning there was more great food and lounging.
Guard Dog
Man. Can They throw a birthday party or what?

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