Monday, April 27, 2009

We Are The Champions

Nine days ago, it was a Saturday, we took both of our dogs, along with Til, Brümus, and Biz, and we hiked Sweeney Ridge above Pacifica. It was a hot day and while it was only about 6 miles and 600 feet of climbing up to the 1200' summit, it almost killed my aging border collie. I will admit this is mostly my fault, mainly due to her not getting enough long distance training, but she doesn't like the heat. She loves the snow.

Sweeney Ridge Trailhead
Hot Dogs
We had plenty of water, but it was HOT, dry and little to no breeze. Truly an amazing day for that part of the country. From the top we could see the fog still locking down the beaches. It wouldn't burn back till Sunday and Monday. I thought I was going to have to carry my dog the last hour, 50 lbs, but we took breaks and the breeze kicked up towards the end, and she finished strong. The next day both of my dogs AND Bizzy were very sore.
Sweeney Ridge
We stayed the night in Pacifica, and then all of Sunday. Breakfast at Nick's, a classic, right on Rockaway Beach. Then back to lounging around the Clan Carpenter Castle, soaking up sun, suds, and a Randy Johnson Win.
Ramos Fizz
It was a great Lost Weekend.

Then yesterday we hiked the
Garin/Dry Creek Ridge, but I left the old girl home, and my dogs as well. It was the Wife, Til, Brumus, Ronica, and me. Another great day, another 5-6 miles with some steep climbs. This time we were in the East Bay, up above Hayweird. More heat, wild flowers, and beautiful views.
G/DC Bridge
We interacted with cows, which always thrills GG. Soon this will all be brown and way too hot. We'll be hiking coastally then.
Brumas Enjoys the View
And at the end, by the lake, we passed a huge fiesta with a Mariachi band and cowboys with their dancing horses.
Got to remember to keep my finger off the mic mic mic microphone.

After, we went over to Chez Chapital for some of this;
And everything that goes with it. I thank you all.


Noah's Mommy said...

Way to get out to the great outdoors, super jealous. Rub off on us will ya?

lucydeecy said...


My photo
The Hidden Fortress, Zombie Free Since 1998
Photos are provided for personal use only, and may not be reproduced, distributed, publicly displayed, or used as the basis for derivative works without the prior express written authorization from the copyright owner. ME!