Monday, October 20, 2008

Fucking Fuck Fuckin Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fucking-A Fuck Fuck Fucking Fuck Fuck Fuckin Fuck FUCK IT

My real question is this; How long ago did Bush Sr. explain to GW how to get Wall St. to pay for his election so he could sell crisis, fear, and war to the people, making unimaginable and unaccountable amounts of money for those that got him elected?

OK, so the Bush Regime invented a war so as to make a huge amount of money for his Cronies, and now his rule is coming to and end. What could he do as a last hurrah? Transfer huge amounts of federal money to the private sector, and then get the fuck out. We just GAVE them free money, don't you think they will be back for more? What about other industries? Will we save the automotive industry, or a major airline? When all the money is gone, and the new administration is in place, how long will it take to recover from our government's bankruptcy? What basic needs will not be met so the feds could send welfare checks to millionaires? Health care, geriatric care, education. This isn't over, and it won't be for years to come.

Gas and cable prices are coming down, the election is almost here, It's now looking like Obama will take the reigns of supremacy. Will Americans continue to care and fight for themselves once the media has moved on to the next wag? Will they hold impeachable war criminals in this administration accountable? Or will they just go bowling?


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